
IPC-A-610 Certification

On successful completion of the examination the student will receive the IPC-A-610 Trainer Certificate. This is valid for 2 years after the course completion date.On successfully completing the course, the trainer will receive all the necessary training materials to carry out the Application Specialist courses.This will include the following: A CD ROM which illustrates every aspect of the IPC-A-610 training and documented information A trainer guide - this will provide complete directions for the Application Specialist training and test The IPC-A-610 revision D “Acceptability of Electronics Assemblies” The IPC-T-50 “Terms and Definitions” The Application Specialist test and evaluation forms Application Specialist materials, student manuals and course certificates can only be purchased by a Certified Trainer.

Visit the Advanced Rework Technology (ART) website for more information on IPC-A-610 Certification


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