
10G Transponder Rack Modules

The MICROSENS 10G transport modules are part of the MSP 3000 Platform and are used as OC-192/STM-64/10GbE/10GFC/OTU2 signal regenerators or as metro, regional, or long haul DWDM transponders.

The MS430567M supports OC-192/STM-64 and 10 GbE LAN on the client side and a proprietary bit rate on the line side (11.09 with 10dB FEC). The MS430550M supports all 10G protocols from 9.95 Gbps to 10.709 Gbps, including 10GbE LAN PHY, WAN PHY, 10GFC, OTU2 and OC-192/STM-64.

Combined with MICROSENS optical booster and pre-amplifier, when using the MS430567M, selected optics achieve link distances (with full channel counts) of up to 300 km without in-line amplifiers and more than 2000 km with in-line amplifiers.

  • 10G transponders for short and long haul applications
  • Distances up to 2000 km for multispan
  • Increase bandwidth capacity at low cost
  • Optional FEC and NG FEC for very long haul applications
  • Ideal solution for metro, regional and long haul optical networks
  • Wire speed performance with low latency and jitter
  • Supports DWDM configurations up to 88 channels
  • Digital Diagnostic Monitoring and management via SNMP

    Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on 10G Transponder Rack Modules


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