
16G Quadruple Transponder Rack Module

The MS430558M is designed to provide high-speed connectivity to support business applications for enterprises. With requirements for server virtualization, business continuance, disaster recovery and real-time access to off-site data and applications, the requirements for high-speed connectivity across the WAN are greater than ever. Storage requirements continue to grow by orders of magnitude from Terabytes to Petabytes to Exabytes to Zettabytes and the need for increasingly high speeds to move data in native block format is driving the need for more than existing 8G Fibre Channel.

The MS430558M can provide up to four 8/10/16G Fibre Channel or 10GBE interfaces — twice the standard rate — in a single slot and up to 80 interfaces in a single 7RU chassis to meet almost any demand.

The MS430558M operates without Forward Error Correction (FEC) to provide the low latency required to move large data blocks within a campus or metro environment. By converting the incoming client signal to DWDM, the MS430558M allows multiple services to ride over the same optical network for optimal fiber utilization.

  • Four independent transponders on one single-slot module
  • Supports 8/10/16G Fibre Channel and 10 Gigabit Ethernet
  • Up to 80 x 16G channels in a single chassis
  • Low latency
  • Module compatible with all MICROSENS chassis already installed in the field

    Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on 16G Quadruple Transponder Rack Module


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