
200G Metro Regional Muxponder

Interconnecting data centers demands ever-greater capacity to keep up with traffic expansion, handle the growth in cloud applications, and ensure data protection and disaster recovery.

The MICROSENSP 200G Muxponder, based on 16 QAM coherent optical modulation technology, leaps ahead in network capacity optimization. It doubles the maximum capacity per fiber pair compared with optical transport systems based on 100G coherent solutions. It also offers a huge reduction in power consumption per 10G.

There are solutions that address the data center needs with non-coherent-based optics. Despite their seemingly attractive cost point, non-coherent optics require the use of multiple wavelengths. MICROSENS provides true value with this 200G system.

The compact MICROSENS solution provides this high capacity and full flexibility in a 2RU footprint. Using an existing MICROSENS chassis already compatible with 10G and 100G products, customers can move up to 2x200G in a 2RU space, and 6x200G in a 7RU space. The MICROSENS 200G solution offers a real pay-as-you-grow approach.

With an industry-low power consumption of 7 Watts maximum per 10G module, plus streamlined, an unmatched price point and industry-leading features, MICROSENS is the clear choice in 200G transport solutions.

  • 200G Coherent Metro Muxponder providing 10G, 40G and 100G client ports aggregation at a cost point that makes individual 10G wavelength services obsolete
  • Perfect fit for data center interconnection capacity needs
  • Pluggable module compatible with existing MICROSENS chassis
  • 2x200G modules in 2RU or 6x200G modules in 7RU
  • 200 Gb/s single channel line interface using 50 GHz channel spacing allows up to 96x200G channels in metro networks or up to 128 channels at 37.5 GHz channel spacing
  • Reduced power consumption compared to other 10G and 100G solutions (only 130W per 200G)
  • Cost-efficient aggregation of up to 20x10GbE, 5x40GbE, 2x100G or a mix of 10GbE, 40GbE and 100G into 200G line port with a single type of client pluggable optics
  • Doubled chassis capacity compared to 100G modules

    Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on 200G Metro Regional Muxponder


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