
Agiltron Tuneable Optical Filters

Agiltron produces fibre coupled tuneable filters with industrial leading performance and value. These tuneable filters are based on two proprietary technologies that utilise athermal multi etalon cavities or gratings, offering attractive features of covering near all wavelength, very low loss, unparalleled low cost, set-and-hold operation, wide tuning range, ultra-broad band (visible to LWIR), minimal drift, and high power handle capability (10W). The platforms are also highly versatile that can be configured into versions of free-space, detector coupled, fibre coupled with MM, SM, PM types, and four-port add/drop module. The technology is protected by three pending patents. The applications include test, instrumentation, optical channel monitor network ROADM, Tuneable receivers, EDFA flatting, gas sensors, breath analysers, and military signalling.

Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on Agiltron Tuneable Optical Filters


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