
Bandwidth Tuneable Filters

Through cascading a low-pass tuneable edge filter with a long-pass tuneable edge filter, one can achieve a new type of bandwidth-tuneable filter whose pass band width is variable while its centre wavelength is still tuneable. With such a device, you can
  • Change passband width
  • Tune centre wavelength
Bandwidth-tuneable filter is a customised product. Optoplex provides individual tuneable edge filters.

  • Athermal Design
  • Wide Tuning Range, Cover C-Band or L-Band
  • Low & Uniform Insertion Loss
  • Latching and Low Power Consumption
  • Options of Electrical Connector from Side or Bottom
  • Support Both TTL and LVTTL
  • Telcordia GR-468 Qualified
  • Change pass bandwidth
  • Tune centre wavelength of passband
  • Dynamically support 10Gb/s or 40Gb/s or 100Gb/s signals

Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on Bandwidth Tuneable Filters


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