
Distributed Polarisation Crosstalk Analyser - PolaX™

The Distributed Polarisation Crosstalk (X-Talk) Analyser (PXA-1000) is an enhanced version of a white light interferometer designed to obtain space-resolved stress information by analysing stress-induced polarisation cross-coupling along a length of polarisation maintaining (PM) fibre

  • High spatial resolution: 6 cm
  • PM fibre as intrinsic sensing element
  • -80 dB polarisation X-talk sensitivity
  • 30 dB PER measurement range
  • Large fibre measurement range: 2.6 km
  • Distributed stress sensing
  • Structural change monitoring in bridges, tunnels, dams, and buildings
  • PM fibre quality inspection
  • PM fibre coil winding in-process monitoring
  • PM fibre coil quality inspection
  • Quality inspection of polarising wave guides
  • Intrusion detection

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