
High Energy Femtosecond Laser Module

Origami XXP is a high energy and high power femtosecond system based on a simple and compact chirped pulse amplification architecture capable of delivering > 500 μJ pulse energy, 100 W average power with pulse duration below 800 fs. It is based on the unique, ultra-stable and low noise Origami femtosecond seed laser. Origami XXP has been specifically designed for all applications requiring high energy, sub-picosecond pulse duration at a cost-competitive price. The compact all-in-one laser is water cooled and is delivered with full remote control capabilities.

  • Pulse energy up to 500 μJ
  • High pulse quality
  • Narrow spectral width
  • Excellent energy and pointing stability
  • Maintenance free – no alignment required
  • Complete remote control
  • 24/7 operation
  • Material processing
  • Glass and sapphire cutting
  • Plasma generation
  • Nonlinear optics

Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on High Energy Femtosecond Laser Module


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