
High Energy Single Box Femtosecond Laser Module

Origami XP is the first all-in-one, single-box, microjoule femtosecond laser available on the market. The laser head, controller and air-cooling system are all integrated in one small and robust package ready for fast integration. Its footprint is so small (280 x 498 x 155 mm) that it even fits into a hand-luggage. The system is based on a simple and compact chirped pulse amplification system capable of delivering > 40 μJ pulse energy, 4 W average power with pulse duration below 400 fs. The laser platform offers excellent pointing stability in time as well as against ambient temperature fluctuations. Origami XP has been designed for easy and cost-effective integration. It is delivered with removable handles and offers full remote control capabilities. A simple
through-hole mounting system and high precision mechanical referencing planes ensure straightforward drop-in installation.

  • Air-cooled, single-box, dust sealed OEM package
  • Mountable in any direction
  • Real-time pulse energy measurement and control
  • Burst mode
  • Excellent pulse quality
  • Outstanding energy and pointing stability
  • Maintenance free – no alignment required
  • Complete remote control
  • 24/ 7 operation
  • High precision laser surgery
  • Micromachining
  • Plasma generation
  • Nonlinear optics
  • LIBS
  • THz generation

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