
High Power Femtosecond Laser Module

Origami HP is an industrial-grade, cost-effective femtosecond laser that emits transform-limited pulses down to 70 fs duration at high power levels. This laser platform is available at repetition rates above 40 MHz and power levels up to 4 W. The free-space output provides diffraction-limited beam quality and excellent pointing stability. Origami HP is available in infrared, green and UV models. Origami HP is a maintenance-free laser module which comes in a compact, dust-sealed OEM package. It guarantees high repeatability and 24/7 operation.

  • Low amplitude and phase noise
  • Transform-limited clean soliton pulses
  • Diffraction-limited beam quality
  • No Kelly-sidebands / no spectral ripple
  • No amplifier built-in / no ASE noise
  • Maintenance free / no alignment required
  • Plug & Play
  • 24/ 7 operation
  • Multi-photon microscopy
  • Supercontinuum generation
  • Multi-photon polymerisation
  • THz generation
  • Inspection
  • Seed for amplifiers

Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on High Power Femtosecond Laser Module


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