
Modular CWDM Multiplexer Rack Modules

With the increasing use of both fixed and mobile video and data, the demand for bandwidth out to every cell tower continues to rise. For metro transport, fiber scarcity is a major roadblock for network operators that need to expand the number of customers they can reach and the number and capacity of the services they can deliver.

MICROSENS Modular Multiplexer series of Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) solutions provide network operators with a way to selectively increase the utilization of their existing fiber plant up to 18 times to rapidly provision additional bandwidth and services at a fraction of the investment required to deploy new fiber. Whether rings, hub-and-spoke or point-to-point links; dark or lit fiber; dual or single fiber working, MICROSENS CWDM solutions enable network operators to eliminate fiber constraints, leverage existing fiber plant investments, and accelerate revenue generation.

The MICROSENS solution is based on a 1RU passive chassis which can hold a mix of various elements such as Multiplexers and Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (OADMs). The optical Multiplexers modules support either 8 or 10 channel multiplexing schemes in a dual fiber configuration covering the S- and C-bands from 1270 nm to 1610 nm.

For single fiber configuration, the muxes support 8 paired channels. Both 8 and 10-channel Multiplexers come in Extended Temperature Range (ETR) versions so they can be deployed in environmental extremes from -40°C to +65°C. Monitoring ports are also available allowing operators to non-intrusively validate the performance of their network.

  • Cost effective network upgrade for either single or dual fiber spans
  • Low profile with 4 modules in 1RU
  • Increase bandwidth capacity of existing fiber by a factor of 18
  • Low insertion loss for maximum performance
  • Extended Temperature Range (ETR) -40°C to +65°C
  • Completely passive, no power or maintenance required
  • High density Mobile Backhaul (MBH) / Mobile Fronthaul (MFH)

    Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on Modular CWDM Multiplexer Rack Modules


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