
Multi-Channel Optical Component Analyser

The OCA-1000 is a multi-channel optical component analyser capable of performing simultaneous insertion loss (IL), polarisation dependent loss (PDL), and optical power (P) measurements on multiple optical paths.

  • Wide wavelength range
  • High PDL accuracy
  • High channel-to-channel uniformity
  • User-friendly control program
  • PDL vs. wavelength measurement
  • IL vs. wavelength measurement
  • IL/Power vs. Time
  • Pass band parameters: centre frequency, BW, ripple, noise floor
  • Fibre optic component characterisation
  • Network component characterisation (e.g. DWDM, ROADM.)
  • Planar Lightwave Circuits (PLC)
  • Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC)

    Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on Multi-Channel Optical Component Analyser


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