
Multi-Wavelength High Power Pulsed Laser Module

Katana HP is a versatile, sub-nanosecond pulsed laser system designed for all industrial applications that require continuous tuning of the repetition rate, maintenance-free operation and low cost of ownership. The Katana laser can be triggered from pulse-on-demand up to 100 MHz from either an internal or an external source (master or slave mode), and can provide pulses from 30 ps up to 10 ns in pulse duration. Katana HP
has already proven to be an ideal, robust source as a depletion laser for super-resolution STED fluorescence microscopy, for which application it can also provide a complete solution when combined with the Katana
single-box multi-wavelength excitation system.

  • Infra-red: 775, 1064, 1200 & 1550 nm
  • Orange: 556 – 620 nm
  • Red: 620 – 660 nm
  • Green: 532 nm
  • Pulse duration: 30 ps – 10 ns
  • Continuously tunable pulse repetition rate
  • Master/slave operation
  • External triggering
  • Pulse-on-demand
  • Maintenance free – no alignment required
  • 24/ 7 operation
  • Depletion laser for STED microscopy
  • Fluorescence microscopy
  • Solar cell scribing and contacting
  • Spectroscopy
  • Laser ranging

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