
Reset-Free Polarisation Stabiliser - PolaStay™

The PolaStay™ polarisation stabiliser actively maintains a stable output state of polarisation (SOP) against rapid input SOP fluctuations, compensating for an input polarisation discontinuity in as fast as 5 ms, or tracking without resets against a continuous input SOP rotation of up to 32π/s. This unique product is a complete system consisting of General Photonics’ polarisation controller, in-line polarisation monitor, and proprietary algorithm.

  • . Reset free operation .
  • 5 ms recovery time
  • . 32π/s tracking speed . Front panel control parameter
  • setup
  • . Low insertion loss
  • Optical amplifier polarisation stabilisation
  • Polarisation demultiplexing
  • Elimination of polarisation fading
  • Coherent communication

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