
Ribbon Cables

The pre-terminated cable is delivered with connectors at one or both sides. The cable is prepared for installation in FOSS FP70 and FP80 panel* - 1 m of the fibre is protected by a spiral cable wrap and may therefore, be placed under the drawer. This simplifies maintenance because it enables you to take the drawer out of the panel (without loosening the fibres from their guides). As an option the connector sides of the cable may be protected with a flexible tube. This is often used if this side needs to be pulled for a long distance. Outside this tube an optional cable pulling grip may be placed if the cable shall be pulled through tubes.

  • Single mode pre-terminated cable prepared for simple and fast
  • installation in FOSS FP70 and FP80 panels.
  • May be delivered with most connector types.
  • PC‐ or APC‐polished connectors.
  • 4-, 8-, 12– or 24-fibre cable with tight buffer.
  • Delivered in customer specified lengths.

Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on Ribbon Cables


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