
Ultra Low Noise Femtosecond Laser Module

Origami is an industrial-grade, ultra-compact, mode-locked, femtosecond laser that provides the lowest phase noise and timing jitter on the market. It has been specifically designed for OEM integration. The Origami families of lasers emit transform-limited soliton pulses, providing diffraction-limited beam quality and excellent pointing stability. It is available at various wavelengths and repetition rates. Origami is an air-cooled, maintenance-free laser module packaged in a sealed and robust enclosure allowing for operation in the harshest environments. It guarantees high stability, low drift and 24/7 operation.

  • Lowest phase noise on the market
  • Transform-limited soliton pulses of outstanding cleanliness
  • Diffraction-limited beam quality
  • No Kelly sidebands, no spectral ripple
  • Shot noise limited relative intensity noise (RIN)
  • Maintenance free – no alignment required
  • Plug & Play
  • 24/ 7 operation
  • Seed for amplifiers
  • Frequency Comb systems
  • Supercontinuum generation
  • Analog-to-Digital converters / Radar systems
  • Clock distribution
  • THz generation

Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on Ultra Low Noise Femtosecond Laser Module


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