
Ultra-Narrow Linewidth Laser Source

Beogold's 1550nm ultra-narrow linewidth laser is a proprietary low-noise fibre laser source. The uniquely designed ultra-narrow fibre filter ensures single frequency operation of the laser. Its unique temperature control and anti-vibration design eliminates impact of changing external temperature and vibration, thus achieving a stable longitudinal single mode and single frequency output. The laser offers excellent performances. It features KHz-level linewidth, low frequency noise and intensity noise, and SMSR more than 50 dB. In addition, the uniquely designed high-strength package ensures that the fibre laser module can better adapt to changing environmental conditions, such as temperature, vibration and impact, achieving longitudinal single mode, free of mode-hops. Beogold's single-frequency narrow linewidth fibre laser source delivers output power up to 50mW and higher.

  • Ultra narrow linewidth < 3kHz
  • High output power
  • Tuneable output power
  • High stability and reliability
  • Excellent thermal adaptability
  • Hydrophone Distributed fibre optic sensing
  • Non-linear research
  • Coherent optical communication

Visit the BBN International Ltd website for more information on Ultra-Narrow Linewidth Laser Source


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