
6 Reasons Why You Need To Have More Than Two Security Systems in Your House


Getting a home security system should be the first thing on your mind when you move into your new house. Though these home security measures are a bit expensive, but you cannot afford to not have them installed, considering the security threats you might be prone to. Today, most households have at least one or more security systems. Each system serves a different purpose and offers various benefits in protecting you and your house. Following are six reasons why you need to get security systems installed in your house: 1. Protects Your Family from Intruders Burglar alarms such as Risco Agility and Visonic Power Master are two high quality alarm systems that offer protection from intruders. These alarm systems not only give you an alert of a break-in, but also give you a prime view and sound through live video, which you can watch on your mobile app. The plus point of these alarms is that you can get them linked to the police department, which offers you the benefit of monitored surveillance. In case there is a break-in, the police will be notified immediately. 2. Protects Your Home from Fires Today, fire alarms have become a thing of the past. The new and more advanced security systems offer this feature, along with other safety measures. The US Fire Administration reports that a small fire can burn into an inferno in just 30 seconds. These alarms not only alert you of the impending fire, but also the fire departments. 3. Protects You from CO2 (Carbon Monoxide) Poisoning This odorless and colorless gas can poison a person slowly without their knowing. Often released from heating systems, it goes undetected throughout the house. The nausea and dizziness caused by this leaves a person with no the energy to perform normal functions, eventually making them unconscious. This is where a carbon monoxide detector comes in. This alarm system detects even the smallest of change in the house, giving people plenty of time to vacate the premises. Alarm maintenance on carbon monoxide and fire alarms should be done regularly. 4. Protects Your Valuables Alarms play a very important role in your absence. There are hundreds of things in our house that are valuable and dear to us. Protecting them when you are away on vacation can be difficult. However, with the help of smart alarms and door entry systems, not only can you monitor your house no matter where you are, you can also notify authorities even before anything happens. Just the sound of the alarm is enough to scare the burglars away. 5. Provides You Peace of Mind A security system’s presence allows you to work freely in your house. As a working father or mother, leaving kids in the hands of a baby sitter and elders with their care givers is quite a risk. In cases such as these, alarms provide the safety and security that you cannot offer from far. 6. Helps Set the Stage to Scare Away the Intruders Some security systems allow you to operate other systems in your house remotely. Systems such as the thermostat, lighting and other small appliances can be used to set a stage for the burglars. Not only will this reduce the energy consumption when you are away from the house for a long time, but will also make it appear to the burglars that the house is inhabited. The safety and peace of mind you get from having multiple security systems inside and outside your house allows you to leave your house in the morning with no worries. If you are looking to get security systems installed in your house, visit Eagle Security Solutions. They have a big inventory of burglar alarms and wireless alarm systems for residential and commercial areas.