
About Us

Kyle Electronic Design Ltd was formed with the goal of designing specialist measurement and display systems in a time before they were easily available.

Produced systems for companies such as British Energy, British Steel, Scottish Power and Rolls Royce.

Developed the VInstrumentation range of products for laboratory use replacing Chart Recorders, Signal Generators, Oscilloscopes, Data Loggers, Thermocouple Measurement Systems, Control Teaching Systems etc with measurement pods and the Virtual Instrument Presentation Software (VIPS) system.


  • Barometers

  • Central Heating Monitoring Systems

  • ComfoMeter Hardware Suppliers

  • ComfoMeter Pro Suppliers

  • ComfoMeter Systems

  • ComfoMeter USB Stick

  • Comfort Meters

  • Comfort Zone Systems

  • Dew Point Display Systems

  • Eco-Wand ComfoMeter

Eco-Wand has 25 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 25 Products

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