Eco-wand History Chart
HistoryThe history chart shows you what has been happening in the past. In the System scene, the Sample Period can be set to 8 hours, 2 days or 8 days.
If you switch off your computer and restart eco-wand within the sample period, the valid values to the end of the period are loaded.
The controls along the bottom allow you to change what part of the history you are viewing.
When you move your mouse pointer into the chart area, the temperature and humidity measured at the time pointed to are shown.
Using History to save energy
Central Heating timer settings - People with regular lifestyles have the heating/cooling system controlled by a timer so that you are not wasting energy when asleep or out of the house. The history trace can show you if you are switching the system on too early or leaving it running too long.
Effective Insulation -
On a cold night, monitor the temperature overnight and see how quickly the temperature drops.
Office heating timing -
Running the system at work will show if the timing controls there are set properly so that the environment is comfortable at the start and end of the working day.
Visit the Eco-Wand website for more information on Eco-wand History Chart