
ThermoMeter Suppliers

The ComfoMeter ThermoMeter Suppliers hardware measure the temperature and humidity of the air around you and sends this information to your computer through a USB port. It looks like and is the size of a small memory stick. The ComfoMeter hardware ThermoMeter Suppliers Humidity: measures from 5 to 95% Relative Humidity with 0.1% resolution. Temperature: measures from 0 to 50°C with 0.1°C resolution. Fahrenheit display selectable. Humidity: measures from 5 to 95% Relative Humidity with 0.1% resolution. Plugs into a standard USB socket or (preferably) connects via a standard USB extension lead. Positioning your eco-wand The USB port on your computer or hub may not be the best place to measure the comfort at your workstation. To re-locate the wand, you need a USB Extension cable.

Visit the Eco-Wand website for more information on ThermoMeter Suppliers


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