Global Leaders Of Micro Dip® Rotary Switches
Global Leaders Of Micro Dip® Rotary SwitchesOur experience in and product range of electromechanical, coded switches is extensive. For example, in 1963, EECO pioneered the first lighted thumbwheel switch and then continued to develop broad offerings of thumbwheels for industrial and military applications.
An EECO innovation, our sealed MICRO-Dip® rotary switches permit the direct setting of binary-coded values for PROMS and other addressable devices.
Our Micro-Dip switch materials were selected to withstand high surface-mount process temperatures and are engineered into a low profile, fully sealed package.
The 2300 Series also includes the industry's only double-pole rotary DIP switch.
For more information on Global Leaders Of Micro Dip® Rotary Switches , call us on 01954 781818 or visit our website to see the products we can offer you.
Visit the EECO Switch website for more information on Global Leaders Of Micro Dip® Rotary Switches