
Glass Fibre Optic harness

Flexion's glass harness are coated with megolon, a halogen free, fire retardent & low smoke sheathing material. Each harness consists of a number of individual fibre tails, that terminate in a collector at one end, called a common end. The lightsource precisely focuses high intensity light onto the common end for transmission through each individual fibre. Fibres are randomised 8:1 (size 7 and above) to receive an equal amount of light from the light source. At the opposite end, each tail has a ferrule termination, which can then be easily connected to a wide choice of display luminaires (end glow). Or in the case of sparkleflex it is heat sealed or terminated with a clear mocap.The common end is a 30 or 40mm termination for direct placement into a suitable lightsource. Flexion's in house extrusion is able to cater for different tail sizes to produce harnesses to customer's specific requirements.

Visit the Flexion Optical Fibre Ltd. website for more information on Glass Fibre Optic harness


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