
ISE Client 1

I want to express my genuine thanks for the excellent work which your employee did for me yesterday and to say how highly delighted I am with the results of what he achieved.. your employee proved yet again to be a most resourceful and skilled operative bringing to the job a high degree of intelligent and intuitive skill, to what first appeared to be a pretty knotty problem requiring careful consideration and mature thought. In the end he cracked the problem in a very imaginative way, with the minimum of fuss, but using his obvious skills to best effect. He also worked jolly hard to complete the work in a very impressive time, returning the areas in which he was working to a most tidy and orderly state - very much appreciated. All in all therefore, a job extremely well done, for which I am truly grateful - and I would be pleased if my personal thanks could be passed on to your employee accordingly.

Visit the Ian Smith Electrical Ltd website for more information on ISE Client 1