
JTAG Visualizer

It's often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. JTAG Visualizer takes that maxim further: this is the powerful tool that lets you actually see your boundary-scan applications superimposed on your board schematic and layout. It's much more than a digital photograph of your board. Visualizer actually works with the design files exported from your CAD systems, so you're looking at the very schematics and layout drawings you're already familiar with.

Visualizer will show you where you have test coverage and where improvement's needed. And, when it's time to troubleshoot a circuit board, at prototype debug, in the factory's repair department, or in field support, JTAG Visualizer will show the way with pin-point diagnostics represented in both schematic and layout views.

The custom color palette, zoom functions, and document cross-referencing add up to a powerful graphical tool that will improve your operation's efficiency and throughput.

Visit the JTAG Technologies website for more information on JTAG Visualizer


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