33132204 (Series 32 -Hand held 3mm thick ABS enclosure, snap fit assembly, suitable for housing electronics for remote control or instrumentation applications etc
Buy 33132204 (Series 32 -Hand held 3mm thick ABS enclosure, snap fit assembly, suitable for housing electronics for remote control or instrumentation applications etc. EPDM gasket to improve sealing to IP65 and specific models in the range also include an integrated battery compartment with separate cover. - Hylec APL Electrical Components). Purchase 33132204 at low prices - world wide shipping.If you have any questions regarding any product or would like to enquiry about stock availability, larger pricing brackets and customisation options, simply click View on Supplier's Website or call +44 01535 636856 or E-Mail sales@kgaenclosures.com, where we will be happy to assist you.