
MELF Resistors

Legacy Distribution supply Electro-Mechanical (E-Mech) and Passive Electronic Components to CEM's, OEM's Kitting Companies and Distributors throughout the UK & Ireland. Supplied are a wide range of products from the manufacturers respresented including VIKING Tech, THINKING Electronics, PEC Electronics, RALEC, ROYALOHM, SUNTAN Technology, EASE Electronics, SuRong Capacitors, HOSONIC and YOSUN Electronics. With more than 35 years experience of selling Resistors we offer a wide range of Through-Hole & SMD Resistor Solutions to satisfy most applications. These include Thin Film Precision, Thick Film, Current Sense, Pulse Withstanding, High Voltage, Wire-wound, Metal Film, Ceramic, Cement, Fusing & Power types in both SMD & thru-hole formats. We also supply custom designed types for that difficult application. With an office in the Far East we can identify and source cost effective (cost-down) alternatives to most popular manufacturers E-Mech and Passive component types. Whatever your E-Mech or Passive Component needs - LEGACY can supply them.

Visit the Legacy Distribution Ltd website for more information on MELF Resistors


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