
About Us

We procure electronic components, PCB’s, and can provide full build and kitting services.

We can provide as much or as little as you require, from component and PCB procurement, to kitting, through to full build and test, of conventional and surface mount.

We source components from the UK, Europe, USA and Asia to get the best prices, with no ties to any franchise or distributor.

We also have links with the following companies to expand our capabilities:

Electronic Design via Peakco Ltd

Manufacturing, Repair and Test via Peak Manufacturing Ltd

Cable assemblies via Peak Interconnect Ltd


  • Cable and wire Assemblies

  • Component Kitting

  • Component Sourcing

  • Customised Electronic Assemblies

  • Electrical Cable Assemblies

  • Electronic Assembly Prototyping

  • Electronic Component Distribution

  • Electronic Component Distributors

  • Electronic Component Procurement

  • Electronic Component Suppliers

Myway Components Ltd has 30 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 30 Products

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