VPS servers
Virtual servers offer you almost all the benefits of having a full dedicated server, with full control and better performance than shared hosting, but without the high cost of a traditional dedicated server. Because the server isn't shared, you can use it as you please for high-volume websites, custom applications such as Plone or bulk email services (within our AUP - spam is strictly prohibited) without the restrictions in place with shared hosting. All our VPS packages include full shell access and 24/7 service monitoring and notifications.Virtualisation gives you an easy upgrade path on demand – if you find your server is struggling with the number of visitors you have or you need more space, we can upgrade your RAM, CPU and disk allocation with just a reboot required. If you grow further and need a full dedicated server, we can move your virtual server onto dedicated hardware so you can instantly use the increased performance without days of work replicating your software, configuration and files.
We use Citrix XenServer Enterprise Edition virtualisation software developed by Cambridge University and backed by commercial support from Citrix. Virtualisation allows a powerful physical server to be partitioned into separate virtual servers, each with guaranteed CPU resources, RAM and disk space, securely separated from the other virtual servers on the same hardware. If another virtual server on the same hardware crashes, yours is completely unaffected and continues to run.
Visit the Network EQ Ltd website for more information on VPS servers