
About Us

We provide bespoke & IPC training programs, for Electronic Manufacturers, that supply electronic products for Military, Commercial or Consumer applications.

Do you have the need to manufacture to an accredited, internationally recognised standard, in order to win or maintain contracts or wish to fulfil ISO-9001-2000 and Investors in People training requirements?

Maybe you have an unacceptable level of assembly rejects affecting Quality, Cost & Delivery?
Do you require a flexible and professional body to train/re-train operators?

Do you need to raise the morale of your manufacturing workforce, by training & rewarding with an accredited & personal credential?

Do you have ongoing supplier quality issues or simply wish to get ahead of the competition?

If your answer to any of the above is YES then get in touch, either send us an email or give me a call.

Training Programs

Stem Training has 39 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 39 Training Programs