
Barometer 12 Click Board

Product Code: MIKROE-5775

Introducing Barometer 12 Click - Your Compact Weather Tracker

Are you looking for a reliable and accurate way to measure air pressure in any environment? Look no further than Barometer 12 Click, the ultimate compact add-on board!

The ICP-10125 Sensor - Precision at its Finest

Barometer 12 Click features the state-of-the-art ICP-10125 sensor from TDK InvenSense. This high-accuracy, low-power sensor can accurately measure barometric pressure and temperature.

Wide Operating Range for Versatility

With a normal pressure operating range of 95 to 105kPa (extendable from 30 to 110kPa) and a maximum temperature operating range from -40 to 85�C, Barometer 12 Click is designed to perform in diverse environments.

Waterproof for Reliability

Worried about using it outdoors or in wet conditions? Fear not! The ICP-10125 sensor comes in a chimney package with waterproofing gel, ensuring IPx8 waterproofing at 10-atm, making it perfect for indoor and outdoor applications.

Endless Possibilities for Applications

Whether you're developing sports and fitness activity monitoring systems, altimeters, or barometers for portable devices, or even indoor/outdoor navigation solutions, Barometer 12 Click is the go-to choice for your projects.

Easy Software Development with mikroSDK

Barometer 12 Click is supported by a mikroSDK-compliant library, making software development a breeze. You'll have access to various functions that streamline your development process.

Visit the Debug Store website for more information on Barometer 12 Click Board


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