
LightHz Click Board

Product Code: MIKROE-990

The MikroE LightHz Click Board� is an easy and compact solution to add light-to-frequency conversion functionality to your project. This add-on board features a TSL230BR programmable light-to-frequency converter, which provides high-resolution conversion of light intensity to a frequency without requiring external components. All inputs and the output are TTL compatible and allow for direct two-way communication with a microcontroller for programming and output interface. The output can be either a pulse train or a square wave (50% duty cycle) with frequency directly proportional to light intensity.

It has programmable sensitivity and full-scale output frequency. The device sensitivity is selectable between Power Down, 1x, 10x and 100x. The full-scale output frequency can be scaled by one of four preset values: 1, 2, 10 and 100. The device sensitivity and frequency scaling can be determined by the microcontroller or selected using available SMD jumpers. It is designed to operate on 3.3V by default, however, the user can select a 5V power supply through a voltage-selection SMD jumper.

Visit the Debug Store website for more information on LightHz Click Board


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