MINI-M4 for Tiva MCU Board
Product Code: MIKROE-1595
The MINI-M4 for Tiva C Series is a small ARM Cortex-M4 development board containing a Tiva C Series TM4C123GH6PM microcontroller. It perfectly fits into a standard DIP40 socket. The board is equipped with a 16MHz SMD crystal oscillator and 32.768KHz crystal which can be used for the internal hibernation module. It has a reset button and three signal LEDs.
The MINI-M4 for Tiva board comes pre-programmed with a fast USB HID bootloader, so no external programmers are needed for development. It operates on a 3.3V power supply. The onboard voltage regulator allows the board to be powered directly from the USB cable.
Visit the Debug Store website for more information on MINI-M4 for Tiva MCU Board