Motion Click Board
Product Code: MIKROE-1589
Give your design the infrared motion detector functionality with the Motion Click Board�. Designed to respond only to living bodies, this Click Board� features PIR500B, a pyroelectric infrared radial sensor that generates a voltage when exposed to infrared light. It is connected to a BISS0001 motion sensor controller IC processes the signal and sends an interrupt to the host MCU via the MikroBUS INT (out) line. MOTION Click Board� also includes an on-board potentiometer that enable the user to adjust the detection range (up to 4 metres). Using the MikroBUS RST pin of the host microcontroller, the user can turn the potentiometer on/off by sending signals.
The photo resistor aboard MOTION Click Board� that allows the user to set up the sensor to work only when it's dark. The night-only mode can be activated by using a jumper (zero-ohm resistor) below the photo resistor on the left side of the board.�The Motion Click Board� is designed to support only a 3.3V power supply.
It is commonly used in human motion detector applications like burglar alarms, but the user can apply this concept to make lights switch ON as soon as someone enters the room, or restricting persons from entering a certain area.
Visit the Debug Store website for more information on Motion Click Board