MRAM 2 Click Board
Product Code: MIKROE-4232
The?MRAM 2 Click Board??is a compact add-on board for applications that must store and retrieve data and programs quickly using a small number of pins. This board features the?MR10Q010, 1Mb Quad Output High-Speed Serial SPI MRAM memory solution from?Everspin Technologies. It operates in both standard, single SPI and High-speed QUAD SPI mode with a clock rate up to 104MHz, it features high bandwidth (read and write at 52MB/sec), automatic data protection in case of power loss, and tamper detection function that will detect possible data modification from outside magnetic fields. This Click Board? can be used both as a non-volatile storage media, or temporary RAM expansion for storing data in any embedded application.
Visit the Debug Store website for more information on MRAM 2 Click Board