
Railway Network Timing

Our master clocks and time and frequency standards are highly accurate time sources, which synchronise information networks and distribute precision timing to all network devices. Accurate and reliable timing plays a vital role in providing event time stamping to provide an historical chronological audit trail, which may be vital for safety information records. Track to train communications can also benefit from precise time – message transmission and reception must be precisely synchronised. Our master clocks also distribute precise time to station clock systems, ensuring interior rail terminal passenger information displays and exterior platform clocks are providing accurate, synchronised time. Station Management Systems also require an accurate and reliable time source, e.g. CCTV, computer networks, pre-set announcements and even auto-control of heating and air conditioning systems.

Visit the Time and Frequency Solutions Ltd website for more information on Railway Network Timing


More Products

  • 11-Digit Count Down/Up Display

  • Analogue Clock Displays

  • Bus-Level Timing Board in Australlia

  • Digital LED Time Displays in Germany