  • E-Z Hook 613XR Mini Hook to Heavy Lead Only

  • E-Z Hook 619XEL Macro Piercing Hook to Clip Lead

  • E-Z Hook 619XJL Macro Piercing Hook to Standard Alligator Clip

  • E-Z Hook 633W-36 Mini Hook to Shrouded RA 4mm Plug

  • E-Z Hook 633XEL Insulation Piercing Hook to Right Angle Plug

  • E-Z Hook 633XL1 Mini Hook to Shrouded RA 4mm Plug

  • E-Z Hook 633XR Mini Hook to Shrouded RA 4mm Plug

  • E-Z Hook 634W-36 Mini Hook to Shrouded RA 4mm Socket

  • E-Z Hook 634XL1 Mini Hook to Shrouded Right-Angle Socket

  • E-Z Hook 635W-36 Mini Hook to Shrouded Stacking 4mm Socket

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