
Customised Test Chambers

How many times have you looked through product literature and not found something that suits your specific needs?A customised chamber can mean many things, from a small modification to one of the standard BS, FS and WIR series to a complete unique design for a special product. Some of the modifications that can be provided are fast temperature rates of change, test items dissipating large amounts of heat at low temperatures, special entry ports, intrinsically safe heaters and explosion relief panels. We can supply chambers for materials testing machines and integration of endurance and fatigue test rigs to simulate real life operating conditions. Sometimes this may require modification to the test chamber structure to allow mounting of the test rig. Full design consultation with the test rig manufacture and the customer by our own design and service engineers is available to achieve a fast, trouble free commissioning of the finished system.

Visit the Weiss Technik UK Ltd website for more information on Customised Test Chambers


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