
EMS Roundtable A Snapshot of The UK's EMS Sector


For an insider perspective on how this turnaround happened, I asked representatives from three EMS companies how they have seen the industry change, and what the future may hold. Here, Laura McBrown, Sales and Marketing Director, G&B Electronic Designs, Shaun Everill, Manufacturing Sales Manager, ViaSat UK and Steve Cooke, Sales Manager, Wilson Process Systems (WPS) describe how the industry is evolving. Q1 Firstly, I know this is asking for the impossible, but could you look into your crystal ball and tell me what your predictions are for the EMS industry in the next five years? G&B - I believe that the trend will continue to move even further towards a total outsource solution with OEMs and EMS companies working closer as partners. EMS companies have already increased their range of services over the last five years into design and test but there is still room more. An increase in demand for post sales support, shipping direct to distribution and non warranty customer support is on the radar. Reduction of duplicated activities between both companies will assist in maximising efficiency. ViaSat - I agree, the UK market has the potential to grow within the next five years, but we must ensure we utilise our key strengths of flexibility and innovation to ensure sustainable growth. WPS - Steady government spending on infrastructure and defence projects will help as the economy improves. This should fuel many top tier EMS companies, thus having a knock on effect with some lower tiers. Acquisitions and investments from overseas may increase, so any upturn in UK manufacturing is captured as business migrates back. Green energy and, in particular, LED lighting will become a much bigger part in the EMS mix. The key factors for me are the economy remaining buoyant with interest rates remaining at a manageable level, a weak pound promoting exports and strong lending. If re-shoring doesn’t materialise as expected, the component supply chain could see the return of feast or famine, further hindering re-shoring.

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