
L3 CCD Systems

The XCAM very high speed, low noise L3 CCD system includes the following key features: Very high speed operation: CCD97 up to 15 MHz, and CCD201 up to 25 MHz High speed meaning quicker frame rates for both full frame and when reading out sub arrays: such as the CCD 97 can readout 552 x 132 pixels at about 160 Hz without any binning By using focal plane masks even quicker frame rates are possible; such as 110 x 132 @ 800 Hz Very Low Clock-induced Charge because of our Unique Analysis System Background equivalent number: 0.0005 electrons per pixel in a 50 ms exposure time cf 0.005 electrons per pixel in a 30 ms exposure time which is quoted by other manufacturers

Visit the Xcam website for more information on L3 CCD Systems


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