
Controlling Oxygen during Combustion


Combustion is a chemical process in which a fuel combines with oxygen. New chemical substances such as light, heat and exhaust fumes are created during the reaction. There are different types of combustion including; complete, incomplete, smouldering, rapid and turbulent. Depending on the amounts of fuel or oxygen available, each process can differ. Industries such as engineering, research, manufacturing, metallurgy and mechanics employ combustion methods. The environments these occur within include furnaces and ovens, or fuel and combustion laboratories. For metal heat treat processes, vacuum ovens and furnaces are commonly used. It is during this process that the metal is surrounded by a vacuum protecting it from heat transfer and contamination. Measuring the oxygen within the combustion process is essential as it ensures optimal control, validates oxygen levels and safeguards against potential hazards and undesirable reactions. The Rapidox 2100 oxygen gas analyser is designed to provide fast and accurate oxygen analysis over the range 1ppm to 100%. Fitted with an external zirconia oxygen sensor, the analyser is ideal for use within high-temperature vacuum applications. A range of optional pressure, vacuum and dew point fittings enable the Rapidox to be connected to apparatus conveniently and quickly. Available in a range of configurations including wall mounted and OEM for seamless integration into product or process.

Visit the Cambridge Sensotec Ltd website for more information on Controlling Oxygen during Combustion


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