
Tilt Switches

Tilt switches are used to sense movement (tilt) of a device above and below a horizontal axis. A typical use is in a thermostat. A glass mercury switch is mounted to a bi-metallic spring which expands and contracts with temperature. As the spring moves, the switch contacts pass through the horizontal plane, opening or closing to operate the furnace or boiler. The angle through which the switch must move for proper operation
– the differential angle – is measured from the point of just make to just break; it is specified as a maximum. When selecting a tilt switch, it is important to ensure that the operating mechanism can move the switch through an angle greater than the differential angle. Some additional applications include: level controls, appliances, security alarm systems, toys and games, float switches and water-treatment equipment (non-mercury) .

Visit the Comus Europe Limited website for more information on Tilt Switches


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