
Complete Solutions for Shaker Testing


A California-based company that specializes in test and measurement instruments has celebrated its 25th anniversary by strengthening its market position with a number of acquisitions It started as a company offering FFT analyzers used in noise and vibration measurements, and digital vibration controllers used in vibration testing, then Data Physics Corporation’s business grew to include high-performance test and measurement solutions for noise and vibration.Now, with the acquisition of a number of shaker manufacturers, the company has a new profile as a supplier of a more complete range of test and measurement instruments – a one-stop shop where users get a complete solution for their applications. In July 2009 Data Physics acquired the assets of Ling Electronics, one of the best-known names in electromagnetic shakers, and ACG dynamics, a long-standing shaker service company on the east coast of the USA. These moves completed a strategic consolidation of shaker technology that began in 2005 with the acquisition of Gearing & Watson, a UK-based shaker manufacturer. Prior to its move to the US east coast with a former owner, Ling Electronics was for a long time based in Anaheim, California, and was the largest electromagnetic shaker company in the world. Its acquisition of Kimball Industries, which developed the technology for slip tables used with shakers, solidified Ling Electronics’ position as a leading supplier of vibration test systems. In bringing Ling Electronics back to California, Data Physics is recreating history and giving a ‘home’ to professionals who worked at Ling at Anaheim, creating shaker systems. The combined expertise of Gearing & Watson, which has been operating in the UK for almost 40 years (the last four of which have been within Data Physics), and over 200 man years of shaker experience among the former Ling Electronics staff now employed in Corona puts Data Physics in an incredibly strong position among shaker companies. Data Physics is also one of the largest service and maintenance operations in the world, with service personnel located in the UK, on the US west and east coasts, and has the expertise to service shakers built by virtually every manufacturer. The SignalForce shaker range includes inertial, modal, air-cooled and water-cooled shakers (up to 50,000 lb or 222kN), matching power amplifiers (up to 480kVA), slip tables, head expander, and fixtures.In addition to SignalForce shaker systems, Data Physics also supplies SignalCalc dynamic signal analyzers, SignalStar vibration control systems, SubTrack underwater acoustic transducers, signal generators, and sonar measurement systems. All intellectual property formerly associated with Gearing & Watson, Ling Electronics, Kimball Industries, ACG Dynamics and Derritron Vibration Products is now combined in electromagnetic shaker systems and service supplied by Data Physics under its SignalForce product line.

Visit the Data Physics (UK) Ltd website for more information on Complete Solutions for Shaker Testing


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