Anyone who finds themselves in need of high quality universal programmers should come to us. We are a company that sells a wide collection of these gadgets. This includes models from brands like Wellon and Xeltek. We do our best to ensure that customers get great results. This is regardless of the device they choose.
Two modes
Some SuperPro programmers, including the 6100 and 611S, come with dual functionality. First we have the manufacturing programmer, which is for volume production. Secondly, there is the standard universal programmer for engineering applications. With the first operation, the SuperPros work in stand-alone mode. The SP6100 is capable of supporting devices such as AVR, PIC, EEPROM, and EPROM. By using several programmers at once, you can use SuperPro contraptions in high production settings.
Completing batch commands
Users are able to complete every batch command by picking the distinct project file for the chip they must program. This is before they insert it. After setting the project file, the operator can exchange the chips for production mode programming. You won’t require any other keystrokes as long as you use the same data and algorithm. If you want to download the project file to your compact flash (CF) card, you’ll need to be in PC-host mode. The CF card’s purpose is stashing project files. In addition, you can employ it as a data buffer.
After switching on the unit initially, it shall initialise itself by performing a power on check. One step the unit will take is to see if there’s a compact flash card available. The user has to ensure that they plug this in correctly before turning the power on.
At Kanda, we have socket adaptors available for both the Xeltek and Wellon line of universal programmers. They have between 6 and 208 pins for you to take advantage of. As a result they can suit various needs.
Visit our website if you would like to find out more about any of the products we offer. If there is anything we can assist you with, please get in touch.Visit the Kanda - Embedded Results Ltd website for more information on WORKING WITH PROJECT FILES