
About Us

Micron Techniques Ltd is a supplier of high quality Electro-optical Systems and Instruments.

We particularly specialise in remote sensing in the Visible and Infrared wavebands. We also maintain a specialist Calibration and Service Unit to calibrate and maintain Photometers, Spectrometers, CCD cameras and Infrared Thermometers.

In addition, Micron manufactures instruments for off-the-shelf supply and to customer requirement, including turnkey systems designed by us, based on our own products and proven items available from our Principals and other suppliers.

The Calibration and Service unit is located in Poole, Dorset. It is equipped to service and repair the equipment supplied by Micron to its many customers and to third party customers. In addition, several calibration standards are maintained, enabling calibration of light meters, photometers and spectrophotometers, and infrared thermometers