The Experience of Peak Electromagnetics
Our principal consultant, Ian Pocock, is a Chartered Engineer, a member of the Institution of Engineering & Technology and the Energy Institute. He has spent 23 years working in the field of radio, telecommunications and electromagnetics. Ian has been involved in the UKAS accreditation of three test facilities. Well known through the defence EMC and Radio Hazard community, Ian most recently managed the EMC/RadHaz Group at Thales Missile Electronics.
Our associate consultant, Chris Alder (CEng MIET) has many years experience in the design leadership and project management of RF sensor systems for MoD aircraft and missile platforms operating in very harsh EMC and RFI environments, which demand that suitable protection measures form part of the initial design. Consequently Chris is well placed to comment and advise on good design practice for EMC and RFI protection. Chris Alder’s RF system experience covers the spectrum 0.5 to 100GHz.Visit the Peak Electromagnetics Ltd website for more information on The Experience of Peak Electromagnetics