Quad Elite CDP Earns 'Highly Commended' Award in Hi-Fi News
There’s an excellent three-page review of the Quad Elite CDP in the latest edition of Hi-Fi News. Written by Ken Kessler, with lab tests by Paul Miller, the review culminates in the magazine’s sought-after Highly Commended award.Other quotes from the review:
“The CDP-2 and now the Elite CDP enable their owners to accommodate six extra six digital sources.”
“My vinyl original simply supported the notion that the Quad Elite CDP was emulating analogue to the best of its abilities.”
“I found the CDP to be a great leveler rather than a poster child for digital”
Hi-Fi News is the globally renowned guide to equipment for serious audiophiles. It aims to keep its readers informed with the latest news, views and developments in audio, and be the authoritative guide to the best sound for enthusiasts. The ABC-audited sale of just over 10,000 committed readers yields a highly-regarded monthly readership of over 30,000 hi-fi devotees.
Visit the Quad Electroacoustics Ltd. website for more information on Quad Elite CDP Earns 'Highly Commended' Award in Hi-Fi News