
About Us

RS Components have been serving engineers and procurement specialists for more than 75 years.

Whenever you need high-quality parts on time and on budget, you can count on RS Components to deliver. They are the world's leading high-service distributor of electronics, automation and control components, tools and consumables, serving over 1 million customers globally. With operations across 32 countries and a global network of distribution centres worldwide, they ship more than 44,000 parcels daily.

Delivering the things that matter most to you.

With an extensive range available in stock and our fast, reliable service and support, they make it easy for you to find and buy what you need. What's more, their convenient one-stop shop approach and competitive pricing ensures that you get the best value without having to shop around.


  • 4 Way Female Cable Mount Loudspeaker Connector, 40A, Screw Down

  • Antistatic Foam Cleanser Spray 3600mL

  • Architrave Blank Plate 1g wht Logic Plus

  • Audio Video Cable

  • Automatic Air Vent

  • Automotive Battery Maintenance

  • Black Nitrile Rubber Pipe Insulation 3mm x 15m

  • Emergency Lighting & Safety Lighting

  • Glass Battery Hydrometer

  • Hylomar Universal Blue Blue Pipe & Thread Sealant Gel for Jointing

RS Components Ltd has 20 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 20 Products

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RS Components Ltd has 4 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 4 of 4 Documents