About Us
SEMIKRON is the market leader in the field of diode/thyristor modules, enjoying a 37% share of the worldwide market. (source: IMS Research, “The worldwide market for power semiconductor discretes and modules” 2008)
Our Solution Centers provide support to customers that prefer fully tested systems rather than individual semiconductor components. A unique network of solution centres spread across all five continents provides on-site development and production support for custom-specific systems
SEMIKRON has production sites in 10 countries, thinks in over 30 languages and is present on every continent of the world. Individual global production sites and distributors have existed from the very outset. Our site in Brazil was the first ever power semiconductor plant in the southern hemisphere. SEMIKRON products are bought by customers across the globe.
Around 70% of industrial energy is produced by electric drives that do not feature speed control technology. Although speed control can bring about energy savings, only around 5% of electric motors are currently fitted with energy-saving control technology. According to the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association, this huge loss of energy can be reduced to around 30% of its current value by using variable-speed drives based on energy-efficient power electronics. We are working on achieving just that.
SEMIKRON technology can be found in almost half the wind power installations in operation worldwide. According to a study conducted by BTM Aps Consult, 122 GW of wind power was installed around the world until 2009; 57 GW of this feature SEMIKRON systems and components.
At the “heart” of these wind power installations is SEMIKRON’s SKiiP, a 3600-Amp power pack that constitutes the most powerful intelligent power module on the market today. For the high current ratings of wind turbines, the intelligent power converter module makes optimum use of this power. SEMIKRON is the only company in the world to offer full burn-in tests. And it certainly pays off. The modules operate reliably in wind turbines for life.
We make high-performance products for uninterruptible power supply systems that ensure that even entire server farms survive power outage without data loss or system damage. 3-level circuits are ideal for power supply systems of this kind. Our modules cover a broad power range from 5 kVA to 250 kVA.
SEMIKRON is a pioneer in the development of inverter technology for fuel cell and battery-operated vehicles. The first hybrid car to take to the road in Europe in 1998 – the Audi Duo – was powered by SEMIKRON power electronics. Today, as many as 3,500 hybrid-drive buses and 500,000 electric forklifts feature SEMIKRON technology.
The fuel consumption of these hybrid-drive buses is 30% less than in conventional buses. This is down to the power electronics that curb energy loss during acceleration and deceleration. The 50/50 joint venture entered into recently with Magna Electronics focuses on the development and production of inverters, rectifiers and chargers for hybrid-drive and electric vehicles, demonstrating our willingness to continue along the path of innovation in keeping with the philosophy “We set the trends, not imitate them”.