
About Us

Topline initially signed semiconductor franchises however, in recent years, we have expanded to working with LED Lighting where the technology has moved forward at a very fast pace.

Topline works very closely with its franchises and provides the customer with a direct link to the manufacturer. In many cases quotes and samples are sent direct from the manufacturers head office or manufacturing facility and, for additional support, then joint visits, conference calls and factory visits can be organised.

I hope you find our website easy to work with and if you would like further information then please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • 20W Variable Microdriver

  • AR111 Circular LED Lighting

  • Battery Switchover and Trickle Charger.

  • Bulkhead Luminaire

  • CD Series RGB LED Linear Fixture

  • CD Series White LED Linear Fixture

  • CL2 Series LED Linear Fixture

  • Colourdriver36 DMX

  • Dialight Architectural

  • Dialight Architectural products

Topline Components Ltd has 20 items listed - You are viewing 1 - 10 of 20 Products

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